WEB230: JavaScript 1

Module 7: Forms


  • Originally designed for the pre-JavaScript Web
    • Allow websites to send user-submitted information to a server
    • Assumes that interaction with the server always navigates to a new page
    • That has changed with modern JS but we won't be covering that
WEB230: Forms


  • Form elements are part of the DOM
    • A number of properties and events that are not present on other elements
    • Make it possible to inspect and control form fields with JavaScript
    • Add new functionality to a form or use forms as building blocks in a JavaScript application
WEB230: Forms

Form fields

  • A web form consists of any number of input fields associated with a <form> tag.
  • HTML allows several different styles of fields:
    • simple on/off checkboxes
    • text input fields
    • drop-down menus
    • etc.
WEB230: Forms

<input> Fields

  • Most form fields use the <input> tag

  • The type attribute selects the field’s style

  • Commonly used <input> types:

    • text A single-line text field
    • password Same as text but hides the text that is typed
    • checkbox An on/off switch
    • radio (Part of) a multiple-choice field
    • file Allows the user to choose a file from their computer
WEB230: Forms

Form-less fields

  • Fields do not have to appear in a <form> tag
  • Form-less fields cannot be submitted (only a form can)
  • Can use them with JavaScript
  • JavaScript interface for such elements differs with the type of the element
WEB230: Forms


<p><input type="text" value="abc" /> (text)</p>
<p><input type="password" value="abc" /> (password)</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" checked /> (checkbox)</p>
  <input type="radio" value="A" name="choice" />
  <input type="radio" value="B" name="choice" checked />
  <input type="radio" value="C" name="choice" /> (radio)
<p><input type="file" /> (file)</p>
WEB230: Forms

<textarea> Field

  • Multiline text field
  • Requires a matching </textarea> closing tag
  • uses the text content, instead of the value attribute, as starting text
WEB230: Forms

<select> Field

  • Used to create a field that allows the user to select from a number of predefined options
  • Whenever the value of a form field changes, it will fire a "change" event
  <option>Ice cream</option>
WEB230: Forms


  • Form fields can get keyboard focus
  • When clicked or activated they become the currently active element and will get keyboard input
  • You can type into a text field only when it is focused
  • Other fields respond differently to keyboard events
    • <select> menu tries to move to the option that contains the text the user typed and responds to the arrow keys by moving its selection up and down
WEB230: Forms

Giving Focus

  • .focus() method moves focus to the DOM element it is called on
  • .blur() method removes focus
  • The value of document.activeElement corresponds to the currently focused element
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<input type="text" />
  // → INPUT
  // → BODY
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autofocus Attribute

  • HTML provides the autofocus attribute
  • give that element focus when the page is opened
WEB230: Forms

tabindex Attribute

  • User can move the focus through the document by pressing the TAB key
  • Can set the order in which elements receive focus with the tabindex attribute
  • The following example document will let the focus jump from the text input to the OK button, rather than going through the help link first:
<input type="text" tabindex="1" /> <a href=".">(help)</a>
<button onclick="console.log('ok')" tabindex="2">OK</button>
WEB230: Forms

tabindex Attribute Continued …

  • Most types of HTML elements cannot be focused
    • make it focusable by adding a tabindex attribute
  • tabindex="-1" makes tabbing skip over an element
WEB230: Forms

Disabled fields

  • Form fields can be disabled through their disabled attribute
  • It is a boolean attribute (can be specified without value)
<button>I'm all right</button> <button disabled>I'm out</button>
  • Disabled fields cannot be focused or changed
  • Browsers display them as gray and faded
WEB230: Forms

The Form as a Whole

  • Fields contained in a <form> element will have a form property
    • linking back to the form’s DOM element
  • The <form> element has a property called elements
    • contains an array-like collection of the fields inside it
  • The name attribute of a form field determines the way its value will be identified when the form is submitted
  • Also used as a property name on the form’s elements property
    • acts both as an array (accessible by number) and an object (accessible by name)
WEB230: Forms


<form action="example/submit.html">
  Name: <input type="text" name="name" /><br />
  Password: <input type="password" name="password" /><br />
  <button type="submit">Log in</button>

  let form = document.querySelector('form');
  // → password
  // → password
  console.log(form.elements.name.form === form);
  // → true
WEB230: Forms

Submit Button

  • A button with type="submit" will cause the form to be submitted
  • Pressing ENTER when a form field is focused has the same effect
  • Before that happens, a "submit" event is fired
  • You can handle this event with JavaScript and prevent this default behavior by calling .preventDefault() on the event object
WEB230: Forms


<form action="example/submit.html">
  Value: <input type="text" name="value" />
  <button type="submit">Save</button>
  let form = document.querySelector('form');
  form.addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
    console.log('Saving value', form.elements.value.value);
WEB230: Forms

Intercepting submit Events

Why intercept the submit event?

  • Form validation - verify that the values make sense and immediately show an error message
  • Can disable submitting the form and have our program handle the input
WEB230: Forms

Text fields

  • Fields that contain text such as <input type="text">, <textarea>, etc, share a common interface
  • These DOM elements have a value property that holds their current content as a string
  • Setting this property to another string changes the field’s content
WEB230: Forms

selectionStart and selectionEnd

  • Provide information about the cursor and selection in the text
  • When nothing is selected, these two properties hold the same number, indicating the position of the cursor
  • 0 indicates the start of the text, and 10 indicates the cursor is after the 10th character
  • When part of the field is selected, the two properties will differ, giving us the start and end of the selected text.
  • These properties may also be written to
WEB230: Forms


Imagine you are writing an article about Khasekhemwy but have some trouble spelling his name. The following code wires up a <textarea> tag with an event handler that, when you press F2, inserts the string “Khasekhemwy” for you.

WEB230: Forms
  let textarea = document.querySelector('textarea');
  textarea.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
    if (event.key === 'F2') {
      replaceSelection(textarea, 'Khasekhemwy');
  function replaceSelection(field, word) {
    let from = field.selectionStart,
      to = field.selectionEnd;
    field.value = field.value.slice(0, from) + word + field.value.slice(to);
    field.selectionStart = from + word.length; // Put the cursor after the word
    field.selectionEnd = from + word.length;
WEB230: Forms

Explanation of Example

  • replaceSelection

    • replaces the currently selected part of a text field with the given word an
    • then moves the cursor after that word
  • The keydown event fires when a key is pressed

WEB230: Forms

change Event

  • The change event for a text field fires when the field loses focus after its content was changed

  • To respond immediately to changes in a text field, you should register a handler for the input event

    • fires every time the user types a character, deletes text, or otherwise changes the field’s content
WEB230: Forms

Counter Example

The following example shows a text field and a counter displaying the current length of the text in the field:

<input type="text" /> length: <span id="length">0</span>
  let text = document.querySelector('input');
  let output = document.querySelector('#length');
  text.addEventListener('input', () => {
    output.textContent = text.value.length;
WEB230: Forms

Checkboxes and Radio Buttons

  • A checkbox field is a binary toggle
  • Get value from checked property - Boolean value
<label> <input type="checkbox" id="purple" /> Make this page purple </label>
  let checkbox = document.querySelector('#purple');
  checkbox.addEventListener('change', () => {
    document.body.style.background = checkbox.checked ? 'mediumpurple' : '';
WEB230: Forms

<label> Tag

  • Associates a piece of document with an input field
  • Clicking anywhere on the label will activate the field
    • text field - focuses it
    • checkbox or radio button - toggles its value
WEB230: Forms

Radio Buttons

  • A radio button is similar to a checkbox
  • implicitly linked to other radio buttons with the same name
  • only one of them can be active at any time
WEB230: Forms


<label> <input type="radio" name="color" value="orange" /> Orange </label>
<label> <input type="radio" name="color" value="lightgreen" /> Green </label>
<label> <input type="radio" name="color" value="lightblue" /> Blue </label>
  let buttons = document.querySelectorAll('[name=color]');
  for (let button of buttons) {
    button.addEventListener('change', () => {
      document.body.style.background = button.value;
WEB230: Forms

select fields

  • Conceptually similar to radio buttons
    • allow the user to choose from a set of options
  • appearance of a <select> tag is determined by browser
WEB230: Forms

multiple Attribute

  • Select fields variant that is more like a list of checkboxes
  • With multiple attribute, a <select> tag will allow the user to select any number of options
WEB230: Forms

select field Value

  • Each <option> tag has a value
    • This value can be defined with a value attribute
    • When not given, the text inside the option will count as its value
  • The value property of a <select> element reflects the currently selected option
WEB230: Forms

option Tag

  • The <option> tags can be accessed as an array-like object using options property
  • Each option has a bolean property called selected
    • Indicates whether that option is currently selected
    • Can also be written to select or deselect an option
WEB230: Forms


Hold control (or command on a Mac) to select multiple options.

<select multiple>
  <option value="1">0001</option>
  <option value="2">0010</option>
  <option value="4">0100</option>
  <option value="8">1000</option>
= <span id="output">0</span>
  let select = document.querySelector('select');
  let output = document.querySelector('#output');
  select.addEventListener('change', () => {
    let number = 0;
    for (let option of select.options) {
      if (option.selected) {
        number += Number(option.value);
    output.textContent = number;
WEB230: Forms

file Field

  • file field was designed to upload files from the user
  • Also provides a way to read such files from JavaScript programs
  • The field acts as a gatekeeper
    • It gives the browser permission to read the file
  • A file field is a button labeled with “Choose File” or “Browse”, with information about the chosen file next to it
WEB230: Forms


<input type="file" />
  let input = document.querySelector('input');
  input.addEventListener('change', () => {
    if (input.files.length > 0) {
      let file = input.files[0];
      console.log('You chose', file.name);
      if (file.type) console.log('It has type', file.type);
WEB230: Forms

file field Properties

  • .files - an array-like object containing the files chosen in the field

    • It is initially empty
    • Also support a multiple attribute, which makes it possible to select multiple files
  • Objects in files have properties such as name, size, and type

  • Does not have is a property that contains the content of the file

    • Getting at that is a little more involved
WEB230: Forms

Storing Data Client-Side

  • localStorage object is used to store data in a way that survives page reloads
  • Allows you to store string values under names
WEB230: Forms

Adding items to localstorage

  • Add items with localStorage.setItem(name, value)
  • name and value are strings
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Reading items from localstorage

  • Read items with localStorage.getItem(name)
  • name is a strings
  • Returns a string with the value
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Removing items from localstorage

  • Remains in the browser until it is overwritten
    • It can be removed with localStorage.removeItem(name)
    • Or if the user clears their local data
WEB230: Forms


localStorage.setItem('username', 'marijn');
// → marijn
WEB230: Forms

localstorage Details

  • Can only store strings
  • Sites from different domains get different storage compartments
  • A website can only read its own data
  • Limit to the data stored per site
    • Prevents using too much space
WEB230: Forms

WEB230: Forms

formatted for Marp Author: Phil Aylesworth Date: 2021-11-16

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