WEB230: JavaScript 1

Module 6: Handling Events


  • events are interactions with our page
  • often initiated by the user
  • we can't predict when they will happen

Event Handlers

  • JavaScript code that runs when an event occurs
  • written as a function
  • this function is passed to a method

Events and DOM Nodes

  • every DOM Element node can have events associated with it
  • use .addEventListener()
  • first argument is the event name such as 'click'
  • second argument is a function (the event handler)
const button = document.querySelector('button');
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
  alert('Button clicked.');

Depricated Ways to add Event Handlers

  • There are older ways to add event handlers
  • .onclick property on a selected element
  • onclick="" attribute in HTML
  • JS properties and HTML attributes exist for other events
    • eg onload, onmouseover, onkeydown, etc.
  • always use .addEventListener()

Deleting an Event Handler

  • use a named function
  • this provides a function reference that we can pass to .removeEventListener()
const button = document.querySelector('button');
function once() {
  button.removeEventListener('click', once);
button.addEventListener('click', once);

The event Object

  • event handlers can accept a parameter called the event object
  • this object has information about the event
    • for example, which element was clicked on
    • which button or key was pressed
  • properties and methods vary depending on the type of event
  • this parameter is usually called event or simply e

Key Events

  • keydown and keyup events
  • keydown will repeat if held
  • event.key holds a string with the value that the key would type
  • boolean properties for modifier keys:
    • event.shiftKey
    • event.ctrlKey
    • event.altKey
    • event.metaKey (Windows key or Mac Command key)

Key Events Continued …

  • event occurs on element that has focus (or document.body)
  • if you want to capture all keystrokes, use window.addEventListener()
    • window. is optional since it is the global object
  • Note: the keypress event is depricated

Key Event Properties

  • event.key (String) The key value of the key represented by the event. If the value has a printed representation, this value is that character (Eg. "a"). Otherwise, it describes the key (Eg. "Escape").

  • event.code (String) Holds a string that identifies the physical key being pressed. The value is not affected by the current keyboard layout or modifier state, so a particular key will always return the same value.

  • there are other depricated properties that should be avoided

Key Event Properties Continued …

window.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
  console.log('Key pressed:', event.key);
  • event.repeat (Boolean) true if the key is being held down such that it is automatically repeating
    • can be used to avoid repeatedly running the event handler
window.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
  if (event.repeat) { return; }
  console.log('Key pressed:', event.key);

Mouse Clicks

  • mousedown, mouseup, click, and dblclick events
  • event.clientX and event.clientY properties give exact location

Mouse Button Event Order

  1. mousedown
  2. mouseup
  3. click
  4. dblclick - if applicable
    • dblclick will repeat the previous three twice

Mouse Clicks Continued …

  • event.button takes into account user customization
    • 0: Main button pressed, usually the left button or the un-initialized state
    • 1: Auxiliary button pressed, usually the wheel button or the middle button (if present)
    • 2: Secondary button pressed, usually the right button
    • 3: Fourth button, typically the Browser Back button
    • 4: Fifth button, typically the Browser Forward button

Mouse Motion

  • mousemove event every time the mouse moves
  • mouseover or mouseout event equivalent to CSS :hover

Scroll Events

  • scroll event when page scrolls
  • fired every time the page is scrolled
  • window.scrollX and window.scrollY for scroll position

Focus Events

  • focus and blur
  • when an element is selected it is a focus event
  • when it loses focus a blur event is fired
  • most often used with form fields
  • does not propogate

Load Event

  • load event fires on the window object when the window finishes loading the page
  • often used to schedule initialization actions that require the DOM
  • element that load external files, such as images, also have a load event
  • Note: window load is no longer required since the defer attribute was added for the script tag


  • setTimeout to run a function after an amount of time
  • schedules a function to be called in a specified amount of time
  • clearTimeout can be used to cancel it
  • setInterval and clearInterval is similar but repeats every specified time interval

Timers Continued …

const button = document.querySelector('button');
const list = document.querySelector('ul');
let interval;
button.addEventListener('click', function(event){
  if(interval) {
  } else {
    interval = setInterval(function(){
      let item = document.createElement('li');
      item.textContent = 'New item';

Script Execution Timeline

  • no two scripts can run at the same time
  • each peice of code (often functions) will wait for others to finish
  • web workers (not covered in this course) provide a way to do something while other things run


  • if an event occurs on a child element it will trigger the event handler on the parent element
  • if both have handlers the more specific one runs first
  • event.stopPropogation() method on the event object can stop this


  • an event handler can be placed on the parent element to handle the events on child elements

target Property

  • most events have an event.target property
  • this is the element that the event occurred on
  • often used to delegate event handling to parent element

Default Actions

  • some element have default actions
    • such as a form being submitted to a server or a link being followed
  • the event handler runs before the default action
  • event.preventDefault() method can stop the default action


  • event handlers make it possible to detect and react to external events
  • each event has a type - eg. 'click'
  • events propagate to their parent elements
    • event.stopPropagation()
  • some elements have default actions
    • event.preventDefault()
  • only one piece of JavaScript can run at once
