WEB230: JavaScript 1

Module 1B: Program Structure


  • Expressions are bits of code that evaluate to something
  • Expressions can be combined
(3+4) * (5-2)


  • Statements should end in a semicolon (;)
(3+4) * (5-2);


  • A variable is a named place to store a value
    • It is "Bound" to the name
  • The let keyword creates a new variable
  • Only use let once when creating the variable
let dog = "Fido";
dog = "Rex";

var and const

  • var is an older way to declare variables
    • now let is preferred
  • const declares variables that are "constant" meaning they cannot be assigned new values
  • more later

Binding Names

  • JavaScript has words that cannot be used for variable names
  • Some of these are keywords in JavaScript, some are reserved for future versions

break case catch class const continue debugger default delete do else enum export extends false finally for function if implements import in instanceof interface let new null package private protected public return static super switch this throw true try typeof var void while with yield

The Environment

  • collection of variables and their values that already exist
  • they are variables that are part of the language standard
    • allow access to the surrounding system


  • A function is a piece of program wrapped in a value
  • These variables have the type function and can be run:
alert("Good morning!");
  • Executing a function is called invoking or calling it

The console.log Function

  • console.log is a function that will display values
  • In web browsers there is a console where you can see these messages
console.log("JavaScript is fun so far!");
  • The period is not part of the name
    • more in chapter 4

Return Values

  • Writing text to the screen is a side effect
  • Some functions produce a value
  • When a function produces a value, it is said to return that value
Math.min(4,6,3,1);   // returns 1
  • We will write functions in chapter 3

Prompt and Confirm

  • We can also ask the user to approve something
  • Returns a boolean
confirm("Are you sure?");
  • Or provide a value
  • Returns a string
prompt("How many would you like?", "4");

Control Flow

  • Statements can execute one after the other
let num = Number(prompt("Pick a number", ""));
alert ("Your number is the square root of " + num * num);
  • Each line runs in turn

Conditional Execution

  • Programs don't have to run in a linear fashion
  • An alternative is conditional execution
let num = Number(prompt("Pick a number", ""));

if (!isNaN(num)) {
    alert (" Your number is the square root of " + num * num);

While and do Loops

  • while and do loops repeat statements
let number = 0;
while (number <= 12) {
    number = number + 2;

Indenting Code

  • Indent code inside of blocks ({...})
  • Makes programs easier to read
  • The computer doesn't care
  • Tabs vs spaces!!! The never ending argument!

For Loops

  • Counter, test, and increment all in one
for (let num = 0; num <= 12; num = num + 2) {

Breaking out of a Loop

  • use the break statement to end a loop prematurely
for (let num = 0; num <= 12; num = num + 2) {
  if(num === 8) {
  • there is also a continue statement that will end the interation but continue the loop

Updating Bindings Succinctly

  • We often update a variable base on its current value
counter = counter + 1;
  • JavaScript provides a shortcut:
counter +=  1;
  • Or even:

Dispatching on a Value With switch

switch (prompt("What is the weather like?")) {
    case "rainy":
        console.log("Remember to bring an umbrella.");
    case "sunny":
        console.log("Dress lightly.");
    case "cloudy":
        console.log("Go outside.");
        console.log("Unknown weather type!");


  • Variable names may not contain spaces
  • Often have more than one word
  • Last one preferred in JavaScript
  • Called Camel Case


  • Two types of comments
  • Single line:
// Some note about the program
  • Multi-line:
A longer note about the program
that goes on and on